Wednesday 26 September 2012

Crisis in the Media Industry

Since downloading music for free became easy, there has been the evermore pressing worry of the music industry eventually dying out. There are people that will lose out from this specifically and it is these people, that if not paid, will eventually walk away and the end of the music industry will take their place. These people are the musicians and corporations - both vital parts to the industry, without either we wouldn't have a music industry. This is known as the de-commodification of music. Though the consumers may be happy, the producers have no money and nothing that they could possibly sell to them. This is a reason for the very current 'sell out' of artists, that sell perfumes and other products to make money.There is now the worry that online piracy will be the end of the music industry, which keeps pushing record labels to find new ways to sell an artist as the idea of owning an actual CD isn't something that really bothers anyone now. Online piracy has become such a natural, quick and efficient way of listening to music that people don't even question it. The problem is, that is people continue to illegally download music, there may be no new music in the life's of generations to come. 

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